2nd International Conference on Japanse Studies Language and Education 2020
1. Introduction
2017 International Conference on Japanese Language Education, Literature and Culture (ICJLELC 2017) will be held on October 17, 2017 in Bandung, Indonesia. This conference is organized by Department of Japanese Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The conference is aimed to provide a platform for teachers, learners and researchers to exchange, discuss their innovations, experiences, research works and problem solving techniques in all issues related to Japanese language education, Japanese literature and Japanese culture. This conference is a wonderful example of creativity that provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange their new ideas and application experiences to establish research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
Selected papers will be invited to be revised/modified and extended for the post-conference publication in JAPANEDU: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Bahasa Jepang (link: ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/japanedu/, ISSN: 2528-5548).
2. Venue
Auditorium Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Bisnis (FPEB) 6th floor, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
October 17, 2017.
3. Keynote Speakers
Prof. Hiroaki Utsunomiya – Shizuoka University
Prof. Jung Gi Young – Busan University of Foreign Studies
4. Conference Scope
The scope topics include but not limited to: Applied Japanese linguistic, Japanese culture, Intercultural communication, Connection and communities, Teaching materials, Japanese for specific purpose, Teachers, Sociocultural approach, Language acquisition, Phonology, Japanese studies, Computer/Technology, Sociolinguistic, Grammar, Pragmatic, Discourse, Syllabus/curriculum, Japanese language learner
5. Laporan Pelaksanaan Seminar
Mengenai laporan kegiatan seminarnya dapat dilihat pada link berikut : http://jepang.upi.edu/dpbj-upi-sukses-menyelenggarakan-international-conference-on-japanese-language-education-literature-and-culture-icjlelc-2017/